How To Snapshot On Android
the most popular messaging app on the planetyet a lot of hacks remain unknown. hello everybody this is your friendly neighbourhood,soham the technomini, back with another video that every whatsapp user would like to watch. so lets get right into it. hack #1take screenshots of fake chats
How To Snapshot On Android, we humans used to lead happy lives with freedomof speech and expression until screenshots came in. the app whatsfake could either be a life-savingdrug or a life-ruining drug depending on how you use it.
this app lets you create fake chats for which,all youve to do is enter the name of the contact, add a contact image, set their lastseen or online or typing status and youre ready to go! it lets you choose sides from where you cansend the message and swap the side again to reply. you can edit your sent texts which i wishwas possible on the actual wa too (coughs), toggle between sent, delivered or seen blabla bla! pretty much self explanatory. start playing pranks with whatsfake withouttaking it too far.
hack #2hack someone elses whatsapp disclaimer: this hack is featured for educationalpurposes only. kindly dont misuse this knowledge for illegalpurposes. so, download whatscan for whatsapp web fromthe play store and open it up. sorry for the ads but its a free version. so, youll need to access your victims phonefor a minute to open their whatsapp and go to menu > whatsapp web and then scan the qrcode shown up by whatscan on your phone from theirs. not as complicated as you think - once done,whatscan will be integrated with your victims
whatsapp and youll be able to read all his/her(ahem) chats, send messages from your phone, change dp or status and also text anyone intheir contact list. pretty intimidating but hey, limit yourselfto "just for fun" only. remember, this intrudes ones privacy unlessits your best friend. hack #31 device - multiple whatsapps in case you didnt know, theres an app namedparallel space that lets you have running 2 accounts in 1 app on 1 device. in simple words, it gives you an option toselect which application to make a copy of, in this case, whatsapp and then youll begiven a fresh version of whatsapp where can
enter your alternate phone number or maybeany of your family members who cant have their personal phone for this purpose. so you know the rest. youll still have your old whatsapp in yourapp drawer but inside parallel space, there will be another. hack #4whatsapp for pc did you know that their team has officiallymade it possible for you to run whatsapp from your pc simply by downloading their windowsor mac app? well, if you didnt, feel free to check outa dedicated video on this topic that ive
already made using this pop-up card or thelink down below. post script - i assume that you are alreadyaware about the video calling feature that has come with the latest update of whatsapp. hack #5 this is perhaps the most complex trick inthis video. first up, head over to settings, select "applications"and open whatsapp. now tap on uninstall and just do it. you heard it right. the purpose of your life isnt just to bea couch potato sitting on a coach eating potato
chips and having your fingers run faster thanusain bolt on whatsapp. theres a beautiful world outside. explore. dont let tech to be your addiction or obsession. sounds ironic when spoken by me! anyways, sometimes just take leave from thisvirtual world and talk to people in real life. i promise, it feels so good. thats going to wrap it up for todays episode. hopefully i havent wasted your time.
so enjoy life and see you later, bye!